Divorce Statistics (What is Your Risk of Divorce?)

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Divorce Statistics

(What is Your Risk of Divorce?)

Divorce statistics are interesting, no matter where you are in your relationship. If you’re getting married, it’s good to know your risk. And if you’re considering a divorce, it can help put your situation into perspective.

From divorce statistics, you learn that many factors impact your risk of divorce. Some of these factors include your location, age group, education, and support system. Keep reading to learn about divorce statistics and the factors that impact divorce.

How Many Marriages End In Divorce

Perhaps you have heard that half of all marriages end in divorce. That statement is not far off. Nearly 45 percent of married couples eventually divorce.

In the 80s, the divorce rate was closer to 50 percent. So, the divorce rate has declined over the past 40 years, but only by about five percent.

What may be contributing to the declining divorce rate is falling marriage rates. Fewer people are getting married, so fewer people are getting divorced.

Another contributing factor could be the fact that people have begun getting married at an older age. So, people are waiting longer to get married and being more careful about who they choose as their life partners.

Angry husband and sad wife talking with a marriage counselor before breaking up sitting on a sofa at home. Young couple having marriage counselling

Plus, statistics show that people who marry in their mid-20s to early-30s are at the lowest risk of divorce.

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Reasons People Get Divorced

There are many reasons people decide their marriage is not working. Poor communication and a lack of commitment are two of the top contributing factors for divorce.

People also report constant arguing, infidelity, inequality, immaturity, abuse, and financial hardship as their reasons for divorce.

Shockingly, 73 percent of people said lack of commitment, 56 percent blamed constant arguing, and 55 percent cited infidelity as the reason for their marriage failing.

Many people also express regret for not trying harder to make their union work.

Divorce Rates and Age

The divorce rates are higher for certain age groups. Very young couples face the biggest challenges in marriage. They have to overcome immaturity, financial problems, jealousy, and family pressure. Plus, people change a lot from 18 to 25, and many couples just grow apart.

Of couples who enter into a teenage marriage, 32 percent will divorce before they reach their fifth wedding anniversary. Twenty percent of individuals age 20 to 24 divorce within five years and 15 percent of 25 to 29-year-olds will call it quits before the five-year mark. But statistics from recent years show that your chances for getting a divorce rise to 19 percent after age 35.

Woman divorcing and taking off wedding band

It seems that at 18, you are still growing, in your late-20s, you are more stable, and by your mid-30s you are more set in your ways.

This rise in inflexibility in your 30s may make you unwilling to make compromises that are conducive to a happy married life.

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Divorce in the United States

In comparison to the rest of the world, Americans have considerably high divorce rates. Worldwide, only the Maldives and Belarus have higher divorce rates.

In countries with no-fault divorces, the divorce process is relatively straightforward, and the divorce rates are higher. Still, in other parts of the world, it is much harder legally to get divorced, and many societies frown upon it.

Within the United States, the rate of divorces differs from state to state. However, nearly every state has seen a decrease in divorces over the past decade.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, couples are more likely to get a divorce if they live in Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada, Utah, Arkansas, Kentucky, Alabama, and Mississippi.

Couples living in New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Hawaii, and Illinois have the lowest divorce rates in the country.

To put the differences into perspective, in the states with the lowest divorce rates, there are only around ten divorces per thousand marriages each year. In contrast, in the states with the highest rates, there are as many as 17 divorces per 1,000 marriages each year.

Religion and Divorce

Having a religious affiliation decreases your risk of divorce. However, if you and your partner do not share the same religion or beliefs, your marriage is more likely to fail.

unhappy couple sitting on white couch

Many religions frown upon divorce, and some churches even excommunicate or ban divorced members. That pressure may cause religious married women and men to stay in marriages they would otherwise leave.

Statistics for Second and Third Marriages

Research suggests that after your first marriage, the more times you get married, the more likely you are to get divorced. People who enter into second marriages divorce at a rate of 67 percent, and it goes up to 73 percent with a third marriage.

Researchers believe that the increase in second marriages that end in divorce may relate to the level of commitment divorcees have.

Or, that there is less holding them together. Most children are born during the first marriages. By the time people have entered into a second or third marriage, there are fewer family ties. Additionally, if you make it through one divorce, you may be less afraid to take that route again.

Remarriage Statistics

There is good news for divorcees in respect to finding another partner. Nearly 80 percent of divorced people get remarried. Six percent of people even remarry the same spouse.

As you age, prospects of remarrying do not decrease. In fact, the remarriage rate for those over 55 has increased in recent years.

However, a study from the Pew Research Center shows that people aged 35 to 44, and 45 to 54 are remarrying less frequently. From 1960 to 2013 the percentage of previously married 35 to 44-year-olds dropped from 76 percent to 57 percent, while the remarriage percentage for people over 55 rose from 55 to 67 percent.

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Sexual Partners and Divorce

The number of marriages you’ve had is not the only thing that increases your chances of divorce. Studies show that having an increased number of sexual partners and cohabitating with your spouse before you wed can affect your marital status later in life.

women upset drinking coffee with husband

Men vs. Women Statistics

Statistically, women get married younger than men, and they are more susceptible to post-divorce financial struggles.

In the United States, the average age of women entering their first marriage is 26. For men, the average age is 29.

According to the U.S. Census office, after divorcing, 31.2 percent of single mothers end up below the poverty threshold, whereas only 17.4 percent of single fathers suffer the same fate.

The child support received by custodial parents living below the poverty line often makes up more than two-thirds of their household income.

Divorce and Children

Children are often profoundly affected when their parents separate. Sadly, only 45.8 percent of children will reach adulthood with both of their parents in their home. Most of the children whose parents divorce end up living with their mother in a single-parent home.

Children who come from divorced parents are more likely to get divorced later in life. When parents part ways, children are more likely to spend time with both parents if they live in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, and about a dozen other states.

The increase in time each parent spends with their children relates to the laws in the state. The states where children spend the most time with their mother and father do not show preference to parents due to their gender.

Divorce Health Statistics

The end of your marriage can affect many areas of your life, including your health.

According to a study on the impact of divorce on health, study participants were 23 percent more likely to suffer poor health or death following their divorce.

This study found that high-quality relationships may help promote positive well-being. Therefore, married people in happy relationships experienced improved health.

Of course, years of marriage to a challenging spouse can negatively impact your mental and physical health. So, if you are in a challenging marriage, you may be in better health after your divorce.

Couple sleeping opposite directios

Interpreting Divorce Statistics

The number of divorces is down, but there are still plenty of people leaving their marriages each year.

While these statistics can be frightening, especially for married people with children, they can also be enlightening. With these statistics, it’s easy to see that millions of others have divorced, and you can too.

If you decide to call it quits, it is essential to have friends and family to support you. If you do not have a reliable support system, you should look into divorce and marriage counseling or attend a divorce support group.

With the right support system and a positive attitude, you can live an incredible post-divorce life.

You should also have legal support throughout your divorce case. It is essential to protect yourself, your children, and your financial situation, and a knowledgeable divorce lawyer can do just that.

While every divorce is different, the outcome of your divorce has the potential to have a massive impact on your financial situation and your future happiness.

As divorce lawyers, we suggest that you speak to a qualified Scottsdale family law attorney about your case, especially regarding matters of child custody, child support, parenting time, division of property and assets, and alimony.

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The lawyers at BTL Family Law know that choosing the right Scottsdale divorce attorney is a personal matter. This is why you will never feel any pressure during your consultation. We are here to answer your questions, discuss your options, help you understand your rights, and, if we represent you in your divorce, our lawyers will guide you through every step of the process as efficiently as possible. We work to keep costs low so that you can start this new chapter of your life in the best position possible.

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