
Proving Your Relocation Case

There are many reasons a parent might decide to move to another state or simply farther away across a state from their current home. While new jobs, family-related concerns, and other reasons for moving might be valid, relocating is not simple when a parent shares custody of a child. If you share custody and wish

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Property Division During a Divorce

Property division during a divorce can be challenging and highly emotional. When a marriage ends, the couple must navigate the division of their assets and debts, which can be challenging and sometimes contentious. Factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s contribution to the acquisition of assets, and each party’s financial needs must

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What Is the Difference Between Alimony, Spousal Support, and Child Support?

The legalities of divorce can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to issues of financial support. One area that often causes confusion is understanding the difference between alimony, spousal support, and child support. Alimony refers to the financial support paid by one spouse to the other after a divorce or separation. It is typically based

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Why You Should Attend Divorce Case Hearings

Divorce case hearings can intimidate anyone, especially if you have never been to court. While your divorce attorney is your representative, you may need to show up in court and get a firsthand look at the divorce process. Sometimes, the court requires you to attend. Additionally, your presence in the courtroom allows you to witness

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Will I Get to Keep My House, My Car, and My Property After My Divorce?

Divorce proceedings can often be complicated and emotionally charged, particularly when dividing assets such as a house, car, and other property. It’s only natural that spouses want to maintain as much of their property as possible heading into the post-divorce future. However, the law requires spouses to divide their community property fairly in their divorce,

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Divorce Tips and Divorce Advice (For Women)

Connect with Family Law Attorneys Scottsdale Divorce Lawyers Get Help Now Women Divorce Tips Historically, divorce has been different for women than for men. The reason for this is that in the past, more women worked in the home, while men provided the family with their sole or main income source. However, today it all

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