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Scottsdale Divorce Lawyers
Divorcing A Narcissist
Tired of Dealing with your Narcissist Spouse? We can Help.
Are you considering divorcing your spouse? Does your spouse have an inability to understand or empathize with you? Does your spouse crave power or demonstrate a sense of entitlement? If so, you may be divorcing a narcissist?
Each divorce case is different and will have unique legal issues to assess and address. Our law firm handles all types of divorces, from the relatively simple to complicated high net worth divorces, cases involving child custody battles or child support conflicts, domestic violence, and more. No matter what the details of your specific situation may be, please do not hesitate to contact our office for a confidential, no-pressure consultation.
Call BTL Family Law at 480-307-6800 or use our online form to schedule your consultation.
BTL Family Law is here to help
What is Narcissism?
One publication characterizes narcissism as a combination of the following traits:
- A grandiose sense of self-importance;
- A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love;
- A need for excessive admiration;
- A lack of empathy;
- Exploiting others for personal gain;
- Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her; and
- A demonstration of arrogant behaviors towards their spouse or others.
See Sheenie Ambardar, MD, et al., Narcissistic Personality Disorder (May 16, 2018) (citing Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (2013)), available at https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1519417-overview#a1
While the term “narcissism” is used quite frequently in our society, it has been our experience that the lack of empathy-ability to experience and understand what others may be physically or emotionally feeling-and demonstration of arrogant behavior, becomes the most visible traits. We commonly see this expressed by one spouse trying to control the other through intimidation, superiority, or unwillingness to compromise no matter what it means for the other spouse as long as they “win” in this dissolution process.
Does this sound familiar to you? Because of this, are you worried about what the divorce process may look like for you? Are you worried about getting treated unfairly or getting the raw end of the deal just to get away from your spouse? Do you have concerns about the divorce process because your spouse may attempt to control or bully you by hiding assets or refusing to be fair? Before you settle to just get away from your spouse, let BTL Family Law help you. You do not need to go through this process alone. We understand these types of people and deal with them on a daily basis-so you do not have to.
Call BTL Family Law at 480-307-6800 or use our online form to schedule your consultation.
Disclaimer: The attorneys and employees at BTL Family Law are not Psychologists or Psychiatrists and therefore cannot diagnose, treat, or provide medical advice regarding potential psychological or psychiatric disorders.
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The lawyers at BTL Family Law know that choosing the right divorce attorney is a personal matter. This is why you will never feel any pressure during your consultation. We are here to answer your questions, discuss your options, help you understand your rights, and, if we represent you, our divorce lawyers will guide you through every step of the process as efficiently as possible. We work to keep costs low so that you can start this new chapter of your life in the best position possible.