BTL Family Law

Depressed sad child feeling in the middle of her parents fight about child custody after divorce

How Can We Make Divorce or Custody Battles Easier on Our Kids?

Sometimes, an amicable separation just isn’t realistic. Divorce or custody battles can be incredibly difficult and painful for everyone involved, especially when the children are caught in the middle. When parents decide to separate, it is essential to remember to prioritize the well-being and comfort of the children. Children pay close attention to their parents […]

How Can We Make Divorce or Custody Battles Easier on Our Kids? Read More »

Be Sure Your Vacation Plans Don’t Violate Your Custody Agreement

Planning a vacation is an exciting time, especially when you are introducing your children to a new destination. However, for those who are divorced or separated and have a custody agreement in place, it is essential to ensure that your vacation plans do not violate your custody agreement. Dealing with the details and limitations of

Be Sure Your Vacation Plans Don’t Violate Your Custody Agreement Read More »

dad holding son on shoulders

As Unwed Parenthood Rises, What Are Father’s Rights?

In today’s society, it has become fairly common for two people to have children before or without becoming legally married. When an unwed couple with children splits up, it is important to understand the father’s rights. It has been traditionally recognized that mothers have certain automatic rights and responsibilities when it comes to their children,

As Unwed Parenthood Rises, What Are Father’s Rights? Read More »

Child Custody is a legal term regarding guardianship which is the right to make decisions about the child

What Factors are Considered when Determining Child Custody?

Child custody arrangements are some of the most stressful, complex, and emotionally-charged parts of the divorce process. When determining child custody, you must consider various factors to ensure the best interests of the child. Among the key factors considered are the child’s age, their physical and emotional needs, the ability and willingness of each parent

What Factors are Considered when Determining Child Custody? Read More »

Child support concept. Many dollar banknotes on wooden table

What Happens If I Don’t Pay My Child Support?

Child support orders can significantly affect your financial future. Often, parents might not have the right legal representation during the initial divorce or custody case, potentially resulting in an unfair order. Many people feel frustrated with the outcome of the family law case or simply cannot meet their financial obligations. However, every parent should understand

What Happens If I Don’t Pay My Child Support? Read More »

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